     If you haven't read The Book of Secrets: Unlocking the Hidden Dimensions of Your Life by Deepak Chopra, then I highly suggest it. I picked this book up a couple of months ago, when things seemed to be dragging, and I found an incredible amount of spiritual motivation.
     Deepak compares spiritual health to the health of a cell in a human body. In order to keep you healthy, each cell must act according to its purpose: interacting, reproducing, healing, and dying at just the right moment to keep the whole of your body strong...and yet, despite the life, death, and change all occurring in the body, you retain a sense of identity.
     Like our own cells, we are individuals on this earth designed to work together, remain healthy, and fulfill our own tasks.
     Using the cell metaphor, Deepak discusses the apparent paradoxes of life and death and good and evil. He clearly and logically combines religious study and his own experiences to help us come back to what he calls "the one reality" where we are healthy, able to let go, and feel like we are fulfilling our destiny.

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